16 de enero de 2025

Liga Portuguesa de Bioinformática (LBP)

The Portuguese League of Bioinformatics (LPB) is an international competition dedicated to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (https://lpb.pt). Inspired by the Brazilian League of Bioinformatics (LBB), the LPB's main objective is to promote the development and continuous training of students and researchers in these areas.

The competition aims to integrate higher education students and emerging professionals, creating a platform that encourages the exchange of knowledge and the formation of a talent pool in Bioinformatics. The LPB allows participants to face real challenges, increasing their skills and creating opportunities for collaboration and innovation within the scientific community.

With a competitive format that assesses both theoretical and practical knowledge, the LPB fosters creativity, teamwork and the application of advanced technologies in the field of Bioinformatics.

The LPB aims to inspire and connect the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology community through this exciting competition  Liga Portuguesa da Bioinformática (LPB). We could not be happier with the contributions we have received! We kindly ask for your support in promoting the LPB within your network of colleagues, students, and institutions. Your help in spreading the word will be crucial to expanding participation and strengthening our community of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology enthusiasts.


Important Dates

  • Registration deadline: 24 January 2025
  • 1st Round:
    The first round will take place on 7 February 2025 at 11:00 am (GMT). Results will be announced by 14 February 2025.
  • 2nd Round:
    The second round will be held on 27 and 28 February 2025, with results available by 7 March 2025.
  • 3rd Round:
    The third round will begin immediately after the results of the second round and will conclude at the Bioinformatics Open Days, scheduled for 26–28 March 2025.

Event Website

For further details, participants can visit the website: https://lpb.pt

9 de enero de 2025

Proteínas y dominios en la inmunidad de las plantas

Un tema recurrente en la literatura genómica de plantas son los genes de resistencia a enfermedades, que tienen valor agronómico y son sospechosos habituales en los estudios a escala pangenómica. Hemos hablado de ellos en este blog, por ejemplo aquí

Trabajos recientes, resumidos por JL Dangl y JDG Jones, sugieren que hay mecanismos de defensa mediados por derivados de nucleótidos (pRib-AMP y pRib-ADP) que convergen a una ruta común en especies mono y dicotiledóneas.

Fuente: https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adu4930

Estas son las proteínas y dominios que debes aprender a reconocer para entender estos mecanismos:

  • Nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR o NB-LRR). Cuando contienen dominios N-terminales Toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) forman parte de la clase de receptores de inmunidad innata de las dicotiledóneas (TNLs).
  • Las monocotiledóneas no tienen TNLs. En cambio, tienen proteínas “TIR-only” proteins, ROD1 (Ca2+-binding C2 class) y EDS1, PAD4, y ADR1 (que perciben las moléculas señal). Tras la infección ROD1 es degradada por ubiquitina ligasas E1 (RIP1, APIP6).
  • Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide glycohydrolases (NADasas) con dominios TIR oligomerizan con TNLs y efectores de virulencia para producir moléculas señal basadas en nucleótidos.
  • Lipase-like EDS1 (enhanced disease susceptibility 1). Forma heterodímeros con SAG101 (senescence-associated gene 101) or PAD4 (phytoalexin-deficient 4).
  • NLR ayudantes ADR1 (activated disease resistance 1) o NRG1 (N required gene 1), reclutados por EDS1 para formar canales de calcio membranales que desencadenan muerte celular.

7 de enero de 2025

footprintDB January 2025 version

Hi, we just updated the motifs, transcription factors and sites in the database footprintDB

The January 2025 version adds:

1)  Motifs inferred from  protein-DNA complexes at the Protein Data Bank, added to 3d-footprint by  19/12/2024; note the complexes are also used to annotate interface residues  of all transcription factors (TFs).

2) New plant data at EEADannot, with TFs assigned to Plant-TFClass families (see repo).

The current contents include:

Transcription Factors9976732248391256
DNA motifs (PSSM)171171482888932962
DNA Binding Sites/Sequences68358

The footprintDB motifs have also been synced with RSAT (see repo), see you soon,

Nuevos logos de Perl

Hola, por si los encontráis por ahí, estos son los logos actualizados de Perl (la historia completa la cuentan aquí):

Perl new logo - camels