Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta update. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta update. Mostrar todas las entradas

23 de diciembre de 2022

RSAT::Plants updated (Dec2022)


if you use the Plants server of the Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT), you might want to know that it has just been updated. Here's a short summary of the changes:

  • The updated URL is
  •  It now supports HTTPS connections powered by certbot
  •  It now uses the source code at (I have updated some documentation along the way)
  •  Nine new species have been imported from Ensembl Plants: Lolium perenne, Brassica juncea, Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria exilis, Vigna unguiculata, Brassica rapa ro18, Corylus avellana, Ficus carica, Lactuca sativa
  •  One species renamed: Physcomitrium patens
  •  Three updated with a new assembly: Vitis vinifera, Triticum urartum, sunflower
  • This leaves the total number of supported assemblies in 100; you can see their stats at
  • Most species now correspond to release 55 of Ensembl Plants, but note that the sequence data is unchanged in many cases. This means that, for instance, that Hordeum_vulgare.MorexV3_pseudomolecules_assembly.52 becomes        Hordeum_vulgare.MorexV3_pseudomolecules_assembly.55, but the sequence is exactly the same.         


Have a nice break,
