1 de septiembre de 2023

clases nativas en perl 5.38


si seguís este blog sabréis que de vez en cuando contamos novedades del lenguaje Perl. Este verano se ha liberado la versión v5.38, podéis ver las novedades en https://perldoc.perl.org/perl5380delta. Seguramente lo más novedoso es que de manera experimental el lenguaje soporta de manera nativa, sin recurrir a módulos externos como Moo o Moose, programación orientada a objetos, con clases.

La documentación oficial está en https://perldoc.perl.org/perlclass. Podéis ver un ejemplo paso a paso documentado en inglés por Chris Prather en varias entregas: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 y 6

Qué tal funciona? Puedes leer un resumen en https://dev.to/jjn1056/benchmarking-core-class-573c no olvides revisar los comentarios. Cuando llegará a tu sistema operativo? Ahora mismo es experimental en Debian, pero Debian 12 lleva ya la v5.36.

Hasta pronto,


29 de agosto de 2023

Comprueba URLs en archivos R markdown


una tarea habitual cuando mantienes material didáctico en la Web es comprobar si los enlaces/URLs contenidos funcionan. Es justo lo que acabo de hacer con un curso que tenemos en https://github.com/eead-csic-compbio/bioinformatics ,  compuesto por varios ficheros en formato R markdown, como por ejemplo https://github.com/eead-csic-compbio/bioinformatics/blob/main/session1.Rmd

En este caso son ochenta y pico enlaces y los he validado con el siguiente one-liner en Perl, que llama al módulo LWP::UserAgent:

perl -MLWP::UserAgent -lne 'if(/\((http[^\)]+)/){ print $1," ",LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 10)->get($1)->is_success ? "OK":"KO" }' *.Rmd 

Espero que os ayude, hasta pronto,



25 de julio de 2023

contrato FPI en la EEAD-CSIC para genómica y premejora de cebadas mediterráneas

 4-year PhD contract at EEAD-CSIC, Zaragoza within project GENOBAR


plazo: del 27oct al 10nov a las 23:59h (CET)

aplicación telemática: https://www.convocatorias.csic.es/convoca

Código de proyecto: PRE2023_EEAD_052

Preadmisión a un programas de doctorado, nuestros estudiantes suelen hacerlo en uno de estos dos:

1) http://dcamn.unizar.es/programa-de-doctorado-de-ciencias-agrarias-y-del-medio-natural-0 (Contacto: Gemma Sausán)

2) https://www.doctorat.udl.cat/en/programes/ciencia-y-tecnologia-agraria-i-alimentaria (Contacto: roxana.savin@udl.cat).


Recently funded project PID2022-142116OB-I00 “Genetics and pangenomics for Mediterranean barley adaptation to abiotic stress, pre-breeding and breeding” will continue our research on barley adaptation, delivering genomic resources and plant materials at different levels of the Mediterranean barley pre-breeding pipeline.

We offer a 4-year FPI PhD contract at EEAD-CSIC to help you develop your skill set in computational and plant biology and breeding. Your supervisors will be Bruno Contreras Moreira and Ana M Casas. The offer includes salary for the 4 years, university fees, funding for short research stays and national health insurance.

This contract is an excellent opportunity for students seeking to advance in the use of genomics approaches to study natural genetic diversity and gene function. The research involves experimentation with plants in the field and greenhouse, wet lab and bioinformatics. It will be carried out with barley, a species of high economic and social interest for our country, but the skills learned will be transferable to any species. Check out our GitHub and this blog for more info. Track record: 7 people completed PhDs with us in the last 10 years, 5 remain in academia and 2 work in the industry.

Candidates must have a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree related to Biology or Agronomy and ideally some experience in writing code and data analysis.

The work plan has three goals:

  • Construction of a Mediterranean barley pangenome. This will require genomic data analysis in the Linux command-line, R and Python programming and data analysis. This will be done in collaboration with Agostino Fricano (CREA, Italy). 
  • Discovery of gene expression signatures of Mediterranean barleys. This will require preparation of RNA samples and analysis of sequenced transcriptomic data.  
  •  Evaluation of phenotypic and transcriptomic responses to drought in selected barley genotypes. This experiment will be done in a new in-house high-throughput phenotyping facility (see pic).


- July-August 2023: pre-screening of candidates and remote interviews

- Application process will be open in September 2023

- Job is expected to start at the end of 2023 or early 2024 (more details after summer break)

CONTACT: Email bcontreras AT eead.csic.es / acasas AT eead.csic.es with a PDF document including a) cover letter, including any references; b) resumé; c) BS and MS transcripts including average grades.





Gene HvCEN (green) in the context of the barley pangenome.



6 de julio de 2023

My notes on Plant Biology Europe 2023 at Marseille (day 4)


How to conquer a plant using just eight genes: learning from geminiviruses. Rosa Lozano-Duran

Geminiviruses (n>=9 coding genes, splicing enabled) have a very high mutation rate despite being replicated by the host plant system, probably because they force the use of their own polymerase subunit. The most divergent protein in these viruses is C4; it also has several transit peptides, including a sp signal, and it is sufficient and required to elicit infection symptoms [including drought tolerance]. C4 interacts with RLD proteins. Their experiments found that symptoms and viral performance can be uncoupled with the right mutations.

Evolution of cooperation in post-green revolution durum wheat cultivars– Michel COLOMBO

Have we bred weaker competitors after the green revolution? Plots with both low and high density of two genotypes. He confirms this idea and then asks whether we need to continue this trend with current conditions in Montpellier.

Chromatin regulation of and by gene islands in plants– Louis-Valentin METEIGNIER

His work is about the expression of biosynthetic pathways (benzoxazinoids, known to inhibit histone deacetylases) that he suspects have an effect on the performance of intercropping. He mentions recent papers on this hot topic (https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2201886120). He intercrops rice and maize, co-planted for 3 weeks (https://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2001290119).

Identification of genes and metabolites controlling plant-plant interaction (Allelopathy)– Sophie JASINKSI

Adequate varieties should be used to avoid allelopathy affecting performance [often hard to tell from simple competition]. She is carrying out GWAS and Metabolite-WAS [root exudates] analyses in this topic with A. thaliana. She has access to the phenoscope to test a variety of donor (n=385) and receptor (Col-0) accessions. She can observe phenotypic variation. Suspect compounds include glusinolates [aliphatic vs indolic], coumarin, so she looked at candidate genes in these pathways.

Molecular bases of plant-plant interactions: identification of the molecular pathways depending on ESC-1, a RLK involved in the competitive response in Arabidopsis thaliana– Marie INVERNIZZI

91 accessions, 3 species (Poa annua, ) from a French population that compete with A. thaliana.She finds that ESC-1 [naturally variable] plays a role in this competition [some experiments still running], which changes according to stress responses according to transcriptomic data. Arabidopsis senses the competition likely through root exudates.

5 de julio de 2023

My notes on Plant Biology Europe 2023 at Marseille (day 3)


Gene DNA methylation in plants: selective pressures and sex chromosome evolution. Aline Muyle.

Most mutations are deleterious. Epigenetics (study of changes in gene expression that can be inherited through cell divisions but are not changes in DNA sequence [Holliday 1987]). This is not Lamarckism (no one has observed env induced epigenetic change so far). CG methylation epimutes over time (rate 1E-4, should be room for selection); depleted in TSS and TTS. CHH methylated genes (upstream) have very low expression. CHG methylation happens at gene bodies [H is A,C,T] and is linked to medium-high expression. Gene body methylation (GBM) is conserved across species, even 300My away, although it is variable [some species don’t have GBM at all, or don’t change expression much when removed (she reanalyzed the data and found the opposite); is it that important then? others have a lot]. GBM methylation evolve slow. She has reviewed all these topics at https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article/14/4/evac038/6550137 , she insists that papers describing them are still highly controversial. So then she tried to measure selection pressure on GBM, with the idea that methylated loci should be removed from populations if GBM is removed. She used for that published methylomes of A. thaliana (n=877, leaf), described at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33871638/, to check whether 4Ns >> 1. She found it is (1.4, comparable to codon usage selection, “tiny effects”) for ancestrally GBM genes [conserved in A. lyrate and C. rubella], but not for all genes. Their hypothesis is that GDM is deleterious for most genes (mutagenic?) and advantageous for a few ones.

She is now working on gene imprinting, which is regulated by methylation and histone marks, that applies to embryos but also in some adult tissues. She is comparing dioecious and hermaphrodite plant species.

Limited water stress modulates expression of circadian clock genes in Brachypodium distachyon roots and induces differential response of proline-metabolism related genes– János GYÖRGYEY

Arabidopsis is a dicot, brachy is much better for monocots. Shows a minimal circadian clock for A. thaliana from https://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/content/8/12/a027748.full to select core clock genes. In his experiments, core clock genes express lower in the roots than in the green parts in most cases (GIGANTEA is the exception, also responds to drought). ELF3/4 expression in the root is not circadian. Under drought, LHY display lower amplitude in expression. PRR95 peaks in root and leaf are a few day hours away.

He then moves to the study of Pro metabolism, a regulatory hub (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tplants.2021.07.009), is it circadian?  On the shoot [Pro] seems to be circadian, it accumulates during the day and it is consumed during the night.

Two examples of genome-wide evolutionary response of European forest trees to past climate changes– Martin LASCOUX

Little ice age (LIA, 1450-1850). They use a method from Vince Buffalo to look for responses of old forests to IA, which essentially computes allele freq covariation across generations under random drift or under selection (https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.1919039117). They study 3 oak forests (several cohorts) in France after aging the sampled individuals (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/evl3.269). They conclude that trees respond quickly, with polygenic responses, as the time frame is only a few generations.