6 de marzo de 2012

ofertas de postdoc en filogenómica

copio aquí dos ofertas de trabajo que me han llegado desde bioinformatibericos :

Postdoctoral Position in Evolutionary Genomics at IFCA (Universidad of Santander-CSIC)
A postdoctoral position is available immediately to work with Rafael Zardoya (Madrid), Julio Rozas (Barcelona), David Posada (Vigo), and Jesus Marco (Santander) on a common 
project related with gastropod phylogenomics. The position has a term of 1 year and mobility among the referred labs. 
Prerrequisites: A PhD in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science or related fields, with proved skills in computational biology. 
Priority will be given to candidates with previous experience in NGS data analysis (assembling, gene annotation, etc), and with expertise in bioinformatics programing languages (Perl, Python, 
C, etc). 
It will be desirable some experience with Phylogenetics and/or Comparative Genomics or evolutionary biology in general, and with Relational databases (MySQL).
If interested please contact Rafael Zardoya, Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, rafaz@mncn.csic.es. Application review 
will begin on March 5, 2012 and continue until the position is filled. To apply, please send the following:  
1. A curriculum vitae 
2. Names of 2 referees willing to provide a letter of recommendation upon request 
3. A brief statement of research interests and goals.
Postdoc on chromatin biophysics (Structural Genomics Group, National Center for Genomic Analysis)
The successful candidate will team with other members of our group in our efforts towards elucidating the 3D structure of genomic domains and genomes. Recent publication from the group in this field include:

- Umbarger, M. A., Toro, E., Wright, M. A., Porreca, G. J., Baù, D., Hong, S.-H., Fero, M. J., et al. (2011).  Molecular Cell44(2), 252–264
- Marti-Renom, M. A., & Mirny, L. A. (2011). PLoS Computational Biology7(7), e1002125
- Sanyal, A., Baù, D., Martí-Renom, M. A., & Dekker, J. (2011). Current Opinion in Cell Biology. doi:10.1016/j.ceb.2011.03.009
- Baù, D., Sanyal, A., Lajoie, B. R., Capriotti, E., Byron, M., Lawrence, J. B., Dekker, J., et al. (2011). Nature Structural & Molecular Biology18(1), 107–114.

I would appreciate if you could forward this announcement to whom may be interested,
Marc A. Marti-Renom, Group Leader 
Parc Cientific de Barcelona - Torre I - Baldiri Reixac, 4 - 2a.p - 08028 - Barcelona
Tel +34 934 033 743  Fax +34 934 037 279
email mmarti@pcb.ub.cat   web http://marciuslab.org & http://cnag.cat

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