Con el alineamiento múltiple de secuencias de proteínas relacionadas se puede construir un perfil. A parte de su uso en técnicas de
fold recognition o para predicción de estructura secundaria, este se puede utilizar para compararlo con las secuencias de otras proteínas e incluso con otro grupo de proteínas relacionadas entre sí, en este caso mediante una comparación perfil-perfil.
En el siguiente ejemplo, escrito en
python y del que hay un ejemplo en
perl aquí, vamos a realizar la comparación entre 2 perfiles, y apoyaremos el alineamiento con la información disponible de la estructura secundaria predicha para ambos. Utilizaremos un algoritmo de programación dinámica, por lo que si no se está familiarizado con la técnica se puede acudir a uno de los muchos libros sobre algoritmos o al excelente
artículo de Sean R Eddy What is dynamic programming?, el cual se basa precisamente en ejemplos de alineamiento de secuencias biológicas.
Básicamente, necesitaremos un archivo
PSSM y otro
PSIPRED, perfil y estructura secundaria, respectivamente, para cada uno de los 2 grupos de proteínas. Puedes encontrar archivos de ejemplo en este
curso, donde ya enlazamos para el ejemplo en perl.
Remarcar, entre los aspectos más importantes del código, que la puntuación entre perfiles se calcula como la media entre los valores de las 2 matrices y que se asigna una puntuación extra al caso de que 2 posiciones alineadas tengan el mismo
estado de estructura secundaria.
from __future__ import with_statement
import re
__title__ = "Secondary structure and pairwise DP profile-profile alignment"
__author__ = "Carlos P Cantalapiedra"
__institution__ = "CSIC AulaDei Laboratory of Computational Biology"
# Function that parses PSSM files
# The format of the array is:
# pssm[
# {'aa':aa1, 'weights', [w1, w2, ...]},
# {'aa':aa2, 'weights', [w1, w2, ...]},
# .
# .
# .
# ]
def read_PSSM(pssm_file):
pssm = [] # Returning dictionary
aa = ''
weights = []
# Finds the aminoacid (\w) and his weights ((\s*-?\d*.\d*)+)
reg_exp = re.compile(r"^\s*\d+\s+(\w)((\s*-?\d*.\d*)+)")
# NOTE: with the with_statement there's no need to close the file
with open(pssm_file, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
result =
if result:
aa =
weights = str(
except IndexError:
raise IOError(\
"There is a problem with the format of the PSSM file "+str(pssm_file))
pssm.append({'aa' : aa, 'weights' : weights})
return pssm
# Function that parses "Pred:" line of PSIPRED files,
# to obtain the predicted secondary structures
def read_PSIPRED(psipred_file):
psipred = []
reg_exp = re.compile(r"^\s*Pred:\s*(\w+)")
# NOTE: with the with_statement there's no need to close the file
with open(psipred_file, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
result =
if result:
[psipred.append(a) for a in]
except IndexError:
raise IOError(\
"There is a problem with the format of the PSIPRED file "+str(psipred_file))
return psipred
# Function that returns the bonus score associated to secondary structure
def get_secondary_score(st1, st2):
global secondary_score
score = 0
if st1 == st2 and st2 != 'C':
score = secondary_score
return score
# Function that creates de Dynamic Programming matrix
# The format of the matrix is going to be:
# matrix[
# row(0) [('r', gap), ('r', gap), ..., ('r', gap)] # len(row) = len(prot2) + 1
# row(1) [('c', gap), (path, score), ..., (path,score)]
# row(2) [('c', gap), (path, score), ..., (path,score)]
# .
# .
# .
# row(len(prot1)) [('c', gap), (path, score), ..., (path, score)]
# # len(col) = len(prot1) + 1
# ]
def create_matrix_DP(pssm1, pssm2, psipred1, psipred2):
global aa_order
global gapcost
matrix_DP = [] # Returning matrix
scores = []
score = 0
score1 = 0 # score1 and score2 serve several purposes
score2 = 0
aa1_count = 0 # 2 indexes
aa2_count = 0
path = '' # 'd': diagonal, 'c': column, 'r': row
# Fisrt row is set up with gap values
init_row = [('r', i * gapcost) for i in range(0, len(psipred2) + 1)]
for aa1 in pssm1:
index1 = aa_order.index(aa1['aa']) # aa1 position in PSSM columns
scores = []
aa2_count = 0
for aa2 in pssm2:
# First column is set up with gap values
if aa2_count == 1:
scores.append(('c', aa1_count * gapcost))
index2 = aa_order.index(aa2['aa'])
score1 = int(aa2['weights'][index1])
score2 = int(aa1['weights'][index2])
score = (score1 + score2) / 2.0
score += get_secondary_score(psipred1[aa1_count-1], psipred2[aa2_count-1])
# Now does apply the function for matrix positions:
# Sij = max (score(-1,-1)+score, score(-1,0)+gap, score(0,-1)+gap)
# [1] is the score in the tuple (path, score)
score += matrix_DP[aa1_count - 1][aa2_count - 1][1]
score_1 = matrix_DP[aa1_count - 1][aa2_count][1] + gapcost
score_2 = scores[aa2_count - 1][1] + gapcost
if score_1 >= score and score_1 >= score_2:
path = 'c' # Column
score = score_1
elif score_2 >= score:
path = 'r' # Row
score = score_2
path = 'd' # Diagonal
# Adds the score to the list of current row
scores.append((path, score))
# Adds a row of scores
except ValueError, value:
raise Exception("Error. Maybe there is a rare aminoacid in the PSSM.\n"+value)
except IndexError, value:
raise Exception("Error. "+str(value))
return matrix_DP
# Recursive function that recovers the alignment
def visit_alignment(i, j, output):
global matrix_DP # This could be changed to be a parameter by reference
global prot1_pssm, prot2_pssm, prot1_psipred, prot2_psipred
if i == 0 and j == 0: return # END OF RECURSIVE SEARCH
join = ' '
if prot1_pssm[i - 1]['aa'] == prot2_pssm[j - 1]['aa']: join = '|'
path = matrix_DP[i][j][0]
score = matrix_DP[i][j][1]
if path == 'd':
visit_alignment(i - 1, j - 1, output)
output.append((prot1_psipred[i - 1], prot1_pssm[i - 1]['aa'],\
join, prot2_pssm[j - 1]['aa'], prot2_psipred[j - 1]))
elif path == 'c':
visit_alignment(i - 1, j, output)
output.append((prot1_psipred[i - 1], prot1_pssm[i - 1]['aa'], join, '-', '-'))
elif path == 'r':
visit_alignment(i, j - 1, output)
output.append(('-', '-', join, prot2_pssm[j - 1]['aa'], prot2_psipred[j - 1]))
raise Exception("Invalid path "+path)
############################ MAIN ##################################
# Global variables: program parameters
aa_order = ('ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV'); # This must copy aa order in PSSM columns
gapcost = -8
secondary_score = 2
# File locations: please, change this variables to suit your needs
prot1_pssm_file = '../pssm/1ngk_A.pssm'
prot2_pssm_file = '../pssm/1s69_A.pssm'
prot1_psipred_file = '../psipred/1ngk_A.psipred'
prot2_psipred_file = '../psipred/1s69_A.psipred'
# Printing title and author
print "*** "+__title__+" ***"
print "Author: "+__author__+" at "+__institution__
# Printing parameters
print "Aminoacids and order (PSSM files): "+aa_order
print "Gap penalty = "+str(gapcost)
print "Equal secondary structure score = "+str(secondary_score)
### 1) Opening and parsing PSSM and PSIPRED files
prot1_pssm = []
prot2_pssm = []
prot1_psipred = []
prot2_psipred = []
prot1_pssm = read_PSSM(prot1_pssm_file)
prot2_pssm = read_PSSM(prot2_pssm_file)
print "> PSSM files successfully opened."
prot1_psipred = read_PSIPRED(prot1_psipred_file)
prot2_psipred = read_PSIPRED(prot2_psipred_file)
print "> PSIPRED files successfully opened."
except IOError, value:
print "There has been an error reading input files:"
print value
### 2) Creating the matrix of DP
matrix_DP = [[]]
len_prot1 = len(prot1_psipred)
len_prot2 = len(prot2_psipred)
matrix_DP = create_matrix_DP(prot1_pssm, prot2_pssm, prot1_psipred, prot2_psipred)
except Exception, value:
print value
### 3) Printing the maximum score
print "Maximum score "+str(matrix_DP[len_prot1][len_prot2][1])
### 4) Recovering and printing the alignment
output = [] # [(ss1, aa1, align, aa2, ss2)]
# Lines to print
ss1 = ''
aa1 = ''
align = ''
aa2 = ''
ss2 = ''
# Recursively recovering the alignment
visit_alignment(len_prot1, len_prot2, output)
# Printing the alignment
for nts in output:
ss1 += str(nts[0])
aa1 += str(nts[1])
align += str(nts[2])
aa2 += str(nts[3])
ss2 += str(nts[4])
print ss1
print aa1
print align
print aa2
print ss2
except Exception, value:
print "Error while tracing the alignment."
print value
print "*** Alignment finished successfully ***"
Esta sería la salida del programa, donde es importante fijarse en el alineamiento obtenido (que se muestra aquí en 2 fragmentos por motivo de espacio) y cómo, a pesar de que pocos aminoácidos coinciden, los estados de estructura secundaria se muestran alineados, lo que podría interpretarse como que la estructura está más conservada que la secuencia.
*** Secondary structure and pairwise DP profile-profile alignment ***
Author: Carlos P Cantalapiedra at CSIC AulaDei Laboratory of Computational Biology
Aminoacids and order (PSSM files): ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV
Gap penalty = -8
Equal secondary structure score = 2
> PSSM files successfully opened.
> PSIPRED files successfully opened.
Maximum score 444.0
| || | | || | | | | || || |
|| | || |
*** Alignment finished successfully ***