Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta postdoc. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta postdoc. Mostrar todas las entradas

7 de septiembre de 2017

acogemos un estudiante o postdoc del programa EMHE

nuestro laboratorio tiene interés en acoger a un estudiante de doctorado o posdoc de Argentina, Costa Rica, Perú y Uruguay del programa EMHE “Enhancing Mobility between Latin-American and Caribean countries and Europe”. Las instrucciones para participar en la convocatoria están en

Nuestra propuesta, que podréis encontrar en en las páginas web de las agencias financiadoras latinoamericanas MINCYT (ar), MICITT (cr), CONCYTEC (pe) y ANII (uy), gira en torno a la idea de que el pangenoma de una especie, la unión de todos los genomas de sus individuos, contiene variabilidad genética (codificante y no codificante) útil para estudiar el fenotipo, tanto en microorganismos como plantas. Sin embargo, construir y manejar pangenomas supone un reto. Este proyecto contribuirá a facilitar este tipo de análisis, en base a nuestra experiencia previa con .

El candidato o candidata deberá tener conocimientos de Biología Molecular, Genómica y Biología Computacional, incluyendo experiencia real en el uso de lenguajes de programación en entornos Linux, como por ejemplo Perl, Python, R, Java o C++. Este blog es una buena muestra del trabajo en el grupo. Por favor contacta con (

Un saludo,

17 de junio de 2014

postdoc computational systems biology Luxemburg

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Systems Biology at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine in collaboration with the Black Family Stem Cell Institute of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine

The Computational Biology Group seeks a highly skilled and motivated Postdotoral Fellow to work on an exciting project on the application of network biology approaches to study the role of gene expression stochasticity in cell fate commitment. In particular, the selected candidate shall develop a computational model that integrates transcriptomics and epigenomics data to describe heterogeneity in embryonic stem cells and its implication in differentiation. Single cell and cell perturbation experiments will be performed in order to validate the predictions generated by the model. This project will be carried out in collaboration with Profs. Ihor Lemischka and Kateri Moore at the Black Family Stem Cell Institute of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. The selected applicant will have the opportunity to visit the experimental labs of our collaborators at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Requirements of the ideal candidate:

  • Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Biology or a related discipline
  • Strong computational skills
  • Prior experience in mathematical modelling of biological networks, especially in network inference and analysis
  • A strong first-author publication record in the fields of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Excellent working knowledge in English.

We offer:

  • Opportunity to do applied research to medical problems within a highly dynamic research institution (LCSB) and in collaboration with internationally recognized partners
  • An exciting international environment
  • A very competitive salary

For further information, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Antonio del Sol, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

30 de mayo de 2014

posdoc bioinformática/proteómica (Oxford)

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, South Parks Road, Oxford
The Central Proteomics Facility at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford is looking for an enthusiastic team member experienced in computational and statistical methods to provide bioinformatics support to researchers using proteomics (
The successful candidate will work collaboratively with existing bioinformaticians, facility staff and academic researchers. The position will cover two main roles. The first is to advise research scientists on statistically rigorous experimental design and data analysis procedures. The second is to maintain and expand the range of computational and statistical tools the facility uses for the analysis of proteomics data. 
You will have a degree in statistics, computing, bioinformatics or equivalent with considerable demonstrable practical experience. You should have strong communication and organisational skills, experience with analysing high dimensional datasets, statistical programming and experience with at least one scripting language. While it is desirable to have previous experience with proteomics and mass spectrometry data this is not essential as training will be provided.

The post is available as a fixed-term contract for 2 years in the first instance. If you are interested in this role, please apply online. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application. 

Interviews will be held during the week commencing 23 June 2014.

3 de diciembre de 2013

ofertas de postdoc en Bioninformática (Dic2013)

comparto información de ofertas de trabajo en bioinformática que nos han llegado, hasta luego,

"We are looking to recruit a young, post-doctoral researcher for work on: Development and application of bioinformatic analysis methods for identification of biomarkers to assess the efficacy of TGF-β RI inhibitors in vivo"


"[..]The Computational Biology Group of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine seeks a highly-skilled Postdotoral Fellow to work on an exciting project on reconstruction and analysis of an integrated gene regulatory network model to elucidate key mechanisms of cellular reprogramming. The model will rely on the integration and mining of diverse transcriptomics and epigenomics data of different cell types from the Central Nervous System. The
Postdoctoral Fellow is expected to supervise a Ph.D. student working on this project. Both of them are expected to collaborate with other members of the CBG to develop a computational methodology aiming at designing, in-silico, cellular reprogramming events, with a focus on the nervous system. This project will be carried out in collaboration with Prof. Noel Buckley’s lab at Kings College London.
Requirements of the ideal candidate:
• Ph.D. degree in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Biology or a related discipline
• Strong computational skills
• Prior experience in mathematical modelling of biological networks, especially in network inference and analysis
• Excellent working knowledge in English.

We offer:
• Full contract for three years with possibility of renewal
• Opportunity to supervise a Ph.D. student working on the project
• Opportunity to do applied research to medical problems within a highly dynamic research institution (LCSB) and in collaboration with internationally recognized partners
• An exciting international environment
• A very competitive salary
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Antonio del Sol
Applications should contain the following documents:
• A detailed curriculum vitae
• cover letter mentioning the reference number
• description of past research experience and future interests
• name and addresses of three referees
All applications should be sent preferably in electronic version until December 31 st, 2013 to the following address:
Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB)
University of Luxembourg
7, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tel: +352-466644-6982 (Office)

6 de marzo de 2012

ofertas de postdoc en filogenómica

copio aquí dos ofertas de trabajo que me han llegado desde bioinformatibericos :

Postdoctoral Position in Evolutionary Genomics at IFCA (Universidad of Santander-CSIC)
A postdoctoral position is available immediately to work with Rafael Zardoya (Madrid), Julio Rozas (Barcelona), David Posada (Vigo), and Jesus Marco (Santander) on a common 
project related with gastropod phylogenomics. The position has a term of 1 year and mobility among the referred labs. 
Prerrequisites: A PhD in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science or related fields, with proved skills in computational biology. 
Priority will be given to candidates with previous experience in NGS data analysis (assembling, gene annotation, etc), and with expertise in bioinformatics programing languages (Perl, Python, 
C, etc). 
It will be desirable some experience with Phylogenetics and/or Comparative Genomics or evolutionary biology in general, and with Relational databases (MySQL).
If interested please contact Rafael Zardoya, Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Application review 
will begin on March 5, 2012 and continue until the position is filled. To apply, please send the following:  
1. A curriculum vitae 
2. Names of 2 referees willing to provide a letter of recommendation upon request 
3. A brief statement of research interests and goals.
Postdoc on chromatin biophysics (Structural Genomics Group, National Center for Genomic Analysis)
The successful candidate will team with other members of our group in our efforts towards elucidating the 3D structure of genomic domains and genomes. Recent publication from the group in this field include:

- Umbarger, M. A., Toro, E., Wright, M. A., Porreca, G. J., Baù, D., Hong, S.-H., Fero, M. J., et al. (2011).  Molecular Cell44(2), 252–264
- Marti-Renom, M. A., & Mirny, L. A. (2011). PLoS Computational Biology7(7), e1002125
- Sanyal, A., Baù, D., Martí-Renom, M. A., & Dekker, J. (2011). Current Opinion in Cell Biology. doi:10.1016/
- Baù, D., Sanyal, A., Lajoie, B. R., Capriotti, E., Byron, M., Lawrence, J. B., Dekker, J., et al. (2011). Nature Structural & Molecular Biology18(1), 107–114.

I would appreciate if you could forward this announcement to whom may be interested,
Marc A. Marti-Renom, Group Leader 
Parc Cientific de Barcelona - Torre I - Baldiri Reixac, 4 - 2a.p - 08028 - Barcelona
Tel +34 934 033 743  Fax +34 934 037 279
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