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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta ortólogos. Mostrar todas las entradas

21 de noviembre de 2013

GET_HOMOLOGUES for pan-genome analysis

en el último número de Applied and Environmental Microbiology mi colega Pablo Vinuesa y yo publicamos un artículo describiendo el software GET_HOMOLOGUES, que tiene como abstract:
GET_HOMOLOGUES is an open source software package that builds upon popular orthology-calling approaches making highly customizable and detailed pan-genome analyses of microorganisms accessible to non-bioinformaticians. It can cluster homologous gene families using the bidirectional best-hit, COGtriangles or OrthoMCL clustering algorithms. Clustering stringency can be adjusted by scanning the domain-composition of proteins using the HMMER3 package, by imposing desired pair-wise alignment coverage cut-offs or by selecting only syntenic genes. Resulting homologous gene families can be made even more robust by computing consensus clusters from those generated by any combination of the clustering algorithms and filtering criteria. Auxiliary scripts make the construction, interrogation and graphical display of core and pan-genome sets easy to perform. Exponential and binomial mixture models can be fitted to the data to estimate theoretical core and pan-genome sizes, and high quality graphics generated. Furthermore, pan-genome trees can be easily computed and basic comparative genomics performed to identify lineage-specific genes or gene family expansions. The software is designed to take advantage of modern multiprocessor personal computers as well as computer clusters to parallelize time-consuming tasks. To demonstrate some of these capabilities, we survey a set of 50 Streptococcus genomes annotated in the Orthologous Matrix Browser as a benchmark case.
El  software  se puede descargar de y también de y está escrito mayoritariamente en Perl, aunque contiene también trozos en R.
El manual del programa describe en detalle ejemplos de uso y está disponible en .

Este paquete de programas se diseñó para el estudio de los pan y core-genomas de grupos de microorganismos, que es con lo que trabaja el grupo de Pablo fundamentalmente, y permite generar figuras como éstas:

Un saludo,

17 de junio de 2010

Clusters de proteínas ortólogas mediante el algoritmo COGs

Tras leer el artículo que sale hoy en Nature sobre la expansión del espacio de secuencias de proteínas, que se asemeja a la expansión del Universo tal como la imaginaba Hubble, he vuelto a encontrarme con el algoritmo COGs (Clusters of Orthologous Groups), originalmente creado por Tatusov en 1997 y actualizado por David Kristensen hace unas semanas. En esencia este algoritmo permite definir grupos de secuencias (potencialmente) ortólogas entre 3 o más genomas a partir de los resultados de BLAST de todos contra todos. Para ello utiliza el concepto de los 'bidirectional best hits', que se dibuja como flechas bidireccionales en esta figura, tomada del paper de Kristensen:

El código que publico hoy permite calcular COGs a partir de un directorio con archivos FASTA con secuencias de proteínas, utilizando los binarios del algoritmo COGtriangles, que se pueden obtener de SourceForge, y los de BLAST, que podemos descargar del NCBI.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w  

 # Script que ejecuta el algoritmo COGtriangle sobre los archivos FASTA contenidos  
 # en el directorio -d, basado en el código original de David Kristensen (Jun 2010).  
 # El programa asume que cada archivo .faa contiene CDS de genomas distintos   
 # y puede agrupar la misma secuencia en mas de un cluster, cuando sea multidominio.  
 use strict 'subs';  
 use Getopt::Std;  
 use File::Basename;  
 ## 0) global variables, including binaries to be installed   
 ##  and parameters that affect the whole algorithm  
 # URL:  
 my $BLASTPATH  = '/home/whatever/blast-2.2.18/';  
 my $FORMATDBEXE = $BLASTPATH . 'bin/formatdb';  
 my $BLASTPGPEXE = $BLASTPATH . 'bin/blastpgp -I T -m 9 -b 1000 -v 1000 -z 100000000';  
 # URL:  
 my $COGPATH = '/home/soft/COGsoft/';  
 my $MAKEHASHEXE = $COGPATH . "COGmakehash/COGmakehash -s=',' -n=1";  
 my $READBLASTEXE= $COGPATH . 'COGreadblast/COGreadblast -e=10 -q=2 -t=2';  
 my $LSEEXE   = $COGPATH . 'COGlse/COGlse';  
    $COGPATH . "COGtriangles/COGtriangles -t=0.5 -e=10 -n='cluster' -s=1";  
 # the default COGtriangle algorithm requires two BLAST searches  
 my $TWOBLASTRUNS=1; # set to 0 to perform only a filtered BLAST search  
 # extension of valid files in -d directories  
 my $FAAEXT   = '.faa';   
 ## 1) process command-line arguments ##############################  
 my ($INP_FASTAdir,$INP_skipBLAST,$INP_BLASToptions,$newDIR,$id) = ('',0,'');  
 my ($n_of_sequences,$pwd,$genome,$clusterid,%sequences,%genomeused,%COGs) = (0);  
 my ($allfaafile,$p2ofilename,$lsefilename,$lseoutfilename,$coglogfilename) =   
 my ($cogedgesfilename,$edgesfilename) = ('cog-edges.txt','all-edges.txt');  
 getopts('hsb:d:', \%opts);  
    print "usage: $0 [options]\n";  
    print " -h this message\n";  
    print " -d input directory with FASTA .faa files (required, example -d genomes)\n";  
    print " -s skip BLAST and re-use previous searches (optional)\n";  
    die  " -b extra blastpgp options (optional, example -b '-a 2' to use 2 CPUs)\n";     
    || !-d $opts{'d'}){ die "# $0 : need a valid FASTA directory, exit\n"; }  
    $INP_FASTAdir = $opts{'d'};   
    if(substr($INP_FASTAdir,length($INP_FASTAdir)-1,1) eq '/'){ chop $INP_FASTAdir }  
    $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; $pwd .= '/';  
     $newDIR = $pwd.basename($INP_FASTAdir)."_COGs";  
    mkdir($newDIR) if(!-d $newDIR);  
 if(defined($opts{'s'})){ $INP_skipBLAST = 1 }  
 if(defined($opts{'b'}) && !$INP_skipBLAST){ $INP_BLASToptions = $opts{'b'} }  
 print "# results_directory=$newDIR\n\n";  
 ## 2) concatenate $FAAEXT files and create csv file with protein2organism indexing   
 opendir(FAADIR,$INP_FASTAdir) || die "# $0 : cannot list $INP_FASTAdir, exit\n";  
 @faafiles = grep {/$FAAEXT/} readdir(FAADIR);  
 die "# $0 : need at least two $FAAEXT files in $INP_FASTAdir\n"   
     || die "# $0 : cannot create $newDIR/$allfaafile\n";  
     || die "# $0 : cannot create $newDIR/$p2ofilename, exit\n";  
 foreach my $faafile (@faafiles)  
    print "# reading $INP_FASTAdir/$faafile\n";  
    my $rhash_FASTA = read_FASTA_sequence("$INP_FASTAdir/$faafile");  
    foreach my $seq (sort {$a<=>$b} (keys(%$rhash_FASTA)))  
       print PROTORG "$n_of_sequences,$faafile\n"; # csv file  
       #concatenated FASTA with numbers as headers  
       print ALLFAA ">$n_of_sequences\n$rhash_FASTA->{$seq}{'SEQ'}\n";   
       #store number - real header equivalence, could be done with BerkeleyDB   
      $sequence_data{$n_of_sequences} = $rhash_FASTA->{$seq}{'NAME'};  
     $sequence_data{$n_of_sequences.'PROT'} = $rhash_FASTA->{$seq}{'SEQ'};  
    $genomeused{$faafile} = 1;  
 ## 3) run BLASTs searches #########################################  
    print "# Formatting BLAST database...\n";  
    system("$FORMATDBEXE -i $newDIR/$allfaafile -o T");  
    if(-s 'formatdb.log'){ system("mv -f formatdb.log $newDIR") }  
       print "# Running unfiltered BLAST...\n";  
       system("$BLASTPGPEXE -d $newDIR/$allfaafile -i $newDIR/$allfaafile -F F -t F ".  
          "-o $newDIR/BLASTno/ $INP_BLASToptions 2> " .  
    print "# Running filtered BLAST...\n"; # see PMID: 20439257  
    system("$BLASTPGPEXE -d $newDIR/$allfaafile -i $newDIR/$allfaafile -F T -t T ".  
          "-o $newDIR/BLASTff/ $INP_BLASToptions 2> " .   
 ## 4) calculate COG triangles ######################################  
 print "\n# making COG hash...\n";  
 system("$MAKEHASHEXE -i=$newDIR/$p2ofilename -o=$newDIR/BLASTconv");  
 print "# reading BLAST files...\n";  
    system("$READBLASTEXE -d=$newDIR/BLASTconv -u=$newDIR/BLASTno " .    
             " -f=$newDIR/BLASTff -s=$newDIR/BLASTno");   
 else{ system("$READBLASTEXE -d=$newDIR/BLASTconv -u=$newDIR/BLASTff ".   
             "-f=$newDIR/BLASTff -s=$newDIR/BLASTff"); }  
 print "# checking Lineage-specific expansions...\n";  
 open (LSEIN, ">$newDIR/$lsefilename")   
    || die "# $0 : cannot create $newDIR/$lsefilename, exit\n";  
 foreach $genome (sort(keys(%genomeused)))  
    foreach my $genome2 (sort(keys(%genomeused)))  
       next if($genome eq $genome2);  
       print LSEIN "$genome,$genome2\n";  
 close LSEIN;  
 system("$LSEEXE -t=$newDIR/tmp -d=$newDIR/BLASTconv -j=$newDIR/$lsefilename ".  
        " -p=$newDIR/$p2ofilename -o=$newDIR/$lseoutfilename > /dev/null");  
 print "# making COGs...\n"; # genera all-edges.txt , cog-edges.txt  
 system("$COGTRIANGLESEXE -i=$newDIR/BLASTconv -q=$newDIR/$p2ofilename " .  
           " -l=$newDIR/$lseoutfilename -o=$newDIR/$coglogfilename");  
 # $COGTRIANGLESEXE puts them in cwd, Jun2010!  
 if(-e $cogedgesfilename){ system("mv -f $cogedgesfilename $newDIR") }   
 if(-e $edgesfilename){ system("mv -f $edgesfilename $newDIR") }  
 ## 5) group sequences sharing COG #################################  
 open(COGS,"$newDIR/$cogedgesfilename") ||   
    die "# $0 : cannot read $newDIR/$cogedgesfilename, the program failed\n";  
    my @data = split(/,/,$_);  
    ($clusterid,$id,$genome) = @data[0,1,2];  
 print "\n# cluster list:\n";  
 foreach $clusterid (sort {substr($a,7)<=>substr($b,7)} (keys(%COGs)))  
    print ">$newDIR/clusters/$clusterid.faa sequences=".  
       " genomes=".scalar(@{$COGs{$clusterid}{'genomes'}})."\n";  
    open(COGFAA,">$newDIR/clusters/$clusterid.faa") ||   
       die "# $0 : cannot create $newDIR/cogs/$clusterid.faa, exit\n";  
    foreach $id (@{$COGs{$clusterid}{'ids'}})  
       print COGFAA ">$sequence_data{$id} ($clusterid)\n$sequence_data{$id.'PROT'}\n";  
 print "\n# total COGs = ".scalar(keys(%COGs))." in folder $newDIR/clusters\n";  
 sub read_FASTA_sequence  
    my ($infile) = @_;  
    my ($n_of_sequences,%FASTA) = (0);  
   open(FASTA,$infile) || die "# read_FASTA_sequence: cannot read $infile $!:\n";  
       $FASTA{$n_of_sequences}{'NAME'} = $1;  
        $FASTA{$n_of_sequences}{'SEQ'} .= $_;  
       $FASTA{$n_of_sequences}{'SEQ'} =~ s/[\s|\n|\d]//g;  